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Welcome to MyDM - My Document Manager


MyDM is a managment tool for the bibliographic references. you can manage the fulltext documents. The software allows you share the references along with the Full text with the other users. The software is distributed under GNU Public License (GPL) and hosted by the sourceforge.


  • Managing the references with Fulltext.
  • peer-to-peer sharing of references and fulltext.
  • Organising the Documents (references) in to Collections.
  • Easy Submission Interface to create new documents with extensive metadata.
  • Fulltext can be retrived from URLs(a functionality like WGET).
  • Metadata Compatability with the Standards like (Dublin Core, RFC1807 )
  • Search Functionality for the metadata.
  • Import Functionalities (Importing the data from different formats like ISI WebOfScience, Reference Manager, Endnote, BibTex)
  • Export Functionalities (Exporting the data to formats like BibTex and RIS).
  • Fulltext Retreival from the web. (The inbuild robot will search the Openarchives and free journals for the appropriate fulltext.searching the respositories like Jake which contains the Big Journal database.)
  • Searching the Local SFX servers( from within the software.
  • Getting the Print formats(like Pdf, rft using FOP) of the metadata (or of an entire collection.).
  • Fulltext Search Engine.
  • Converting the fulltext in pdf to Native XML format (for long term storage.)
  • Making the Data Repository OAI (Open Archives Initiative) Compliant.
  • Complete Unicode Support.

Advantages of My Document Manager (MyDM) over the commercial softwares

  • It is Free.
  • It runs on almost all platforms where java runtime is available. (The commercial Softwares are only available to Windows Platforms.)
  • Good Fulltext Retrival Mechanisms.
  • peer-to-peer sharing of resources.
  • Easily Configurable Metadata Model.
  • Export and Import Functionalities.
  • Integration of Local SFX servers.
  • Fulltext Search Engine.